Climbing Mt.Fuji with child. -How old is the child to be able to climb Mt.Fuji?-
Mt.Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. Otherwise not so difficult to climb to the summit. Children also can climb to Mt.Fuji. But their parents have to pay attention that they can tell to adult their physical condition or fatigue degree. The day trip on Mt.Fuji is hard with child. So if you do that, you should select to stay over night in the mountain hut on Mt.Fuji. Does your child know the social manners? Because of there is lots of climber in the mountain hut. If one of the child suddenly cried in the situation, almost climbers felt unpleasant feeling. You have to decide what the children that will not do what the parents told them isn’t suitable to climb Mt.Fuji. Almost guides say “It is to be desired, at least over elementary school when the child climb Mt.Fuji.”. Because they have physical strength and don’t need to take a nap if their grade is over elementary school. More and more grow up, children have better thermoregulation than old person and kindergarten child. Otherwise one of the kindergarten hold a climbing of Mt.Fuji event. Of course, the kindergarten teachers make the plan include trekking in Mountain and physical training. Thus it isn’t absolute that kindergarten children cannot climb Mt.Fuji.
Practice for climbing Mt.Fuji.
When you make a plan to climb Mt.Fuji with your child, you might to practice to walk on a easier mountain than Mt.Fuji. If it is good, you can try to climb more difficult mountain than the previous one. If you and your children get walking tips on Mountains, you will try to walk around Mt.Fuji to the next step. There are some hiking courses that are good locations and you can go best view places. So you can training to climb Mt.Fuji and enjoy around there. You may think that “We can climb Mt.Fuji without doing such things.” But we recommend to practice in the hiking course around Mt.Fuji or such as to be able to see Mt.Fuji from one of. If you get walking tips, you could try to climb Mt.Fuji in the climbing season.
Children’s parents don’t push to be enthusiastic to climb summit. Not children but also their parents should give up to climb the summit of Mt.Fuji when you feel bad physic or you don’t have enough physical strength. Instead of that, you change plan that is hiking or sightseeing around 5th station.
The equipments to climb Mt.Fuji for child.
We often see the situation that fathers and mothers wear first class manufacture of outdoor brand. Otherwise the child wear ordinary sneaker and rain coat when you climb Mt.Fuji. I know the mountain wear is expensive. So you think difficult to buy the mountain wear for child. But we want you to buy the top manufacturer of outdoor brand for your child to avoiding as much as possible like the dangerous, fatigue and injury. Of course children feel happy to wear the comfortable mountain wear when they climb Mt.Fuji. If that happens, it is completely different the memory, impression and photogenic.