What is trekking poles? Is it necessary for Mt.Fuji climbing?
When asking if trekking poles are necessary or unnecessary when climbing Mt. Fuji, different answers will be returned by people. As an advantage, by utilizing the power of the arm, it is to assist climbing. Also, because you will use the power of your feet in climbing, a heavy burden will be applied to your knees. By using the trekking poles, it will relieve the burden on the knees when descending. In addition, the trekking pole keeps the balance of the body, so even if it is about to fall down, using the trekking pole prevents falls. However, depending on the trekking pole too much, you will lose your sense of balance, you will feel a burden on the weight, or you will get caught between the rocks if you are not able to handle it well, so you need to be careful. However, the greatest advantage of trekking pole in Mt.Fuji climbing is demonstrated at the time of descending. Climbing Mt. Fuji for beginners is severe, so the foot is quite fatigued by the time of descending. Trekking poles are active at such times. At descending, you feel that your accumulated fatigue is stronger and you will be grateful for trekking poles very much.
Types of trekking poles
Trekking poles can be roughly divided into two types. Because the effect changes greatly depending on how it is used, you will need to choose the one that suits you. The T-shaped trekking pole is made for the purpose of using with a single piece. Because it is made assuming to put weight, it is characterized by being shaped to seize properly. It is made to be stable even if weight is applied from directly above. The other is an I-shaped trekking pole, which draws out the maximum effect by using it in pairs. Because it is not supposed to put weight, it is not in the grip shape. There is also a trekking pole of hybrid type such as grip part T-shaped type and lower part I-shaped type.
How to choose trekking pole
When choosing a climbing stock, it is the basic objective to take a balance when climbing. Furthermore, it is not only to reduce the burden on the feet, but also to assist the propulsive force, so it is a useful tool. When choosing a trekking pole, you need to check the shape of the part you grasp. In addition, it is good to check the elasticity whether it can be shortened or not. Especially for climbing beginners, it is better to choose trekking poles that are easy to adjust. You also need to check the material. There are things made of aluminum and carbon, and aluminum is more affordable for the price, but carbon is better when considering lightness. Furthermore, the trekking pole with anti-shock alleviates the shock when attached to the ground due to the spring being attached. The point I want you to emphasize most is the locking function of expansion adjustment. In the past, there was only a screw type that locks by turning the stock, but now we are beginning to see lever type which is flick lock type. If it is a screw type, breakage due to excessive tightening at the screw part will occur, it will become impossible to return or it will not be tightened. Person who has used screw type once experiences it. The flick lock type overcomes this problem. It is an easy operation that lock is released by raising the lever and locked by lowering the lever. It also prevents damage to the locking part due to excessive tightening. However, Flick lock type trekking poles are not cheap ones and are generally more expensive than screw type.