Let’s overcome the top two of the causes of distress accident!
80% of the cause of the accident at the mountain is “lost child” and “falling”.
In other words, 80% of distress accidents can be avoided if you can be “not lost, do not fall”.
“Huh, do you have a distress accident at Mt. Fuji?”
Climbing and descent are almost one main road, even beginners are easy to climb from Fifth station of Mt.Fuji.
In the case of a bus tour heading for a mountain hut, two of a guide and a tour operator will guide some customers quickly.
Certainly, it seems to be unrelated to a distress accident.
However, “lost child” and “falling” do not decrease every year.
One of the big causes is that most people who climb mountains are beginners.
As a friend of a beginner, I can not leave this alone.
Mt. Fuji has many relief centers, mountain huts, management center, etc. compared with other mountains, and it depends on when it is emergency.
But first of all, it is the rule of climbing that “I will not make time for emergency.”
Let ‘s overcome the “lost child” and “falling over” at Mount Fuji. Let’s avoid 80% of distress accident.
Cause of distress seen from psychological aspect
By the way, do you know the work “normality bias”?
There is a strange work in the minds of people, “Do not try to recognize dangerously”.
That is “the normality bias”.
In other words, your heart is delicate, but actually it is made unexpectedly insensitive.
Even though we are faced with danger, we do not try to avoid it, do not turn back, we do not get troubled.
Even at the time of a disaster such as a tsunami, it seems that this is one cause and great damage will come out.
That’s right! Even for “lost” and “falling” at mountain climbing, this is getting involved a lot.
P.S. I can not hate this normality bias for some reason. I think that it is a heartfelt message, “Do not get nervous, let’s go easy ……”