akihito wakabayashi
キャンプ場からメール連絡を入れての訪問でしたが、嫌な顔一つせずに雨でぐちゃぐちゃになったテントを引き取ってくれました。 また機会がありましたらよろしくお願いします。 (Translated by G...続きを読むogle) I had contacted them via email from the campsite, but they took away my tent, which had become a mess due to the rain, without making a single unpleasant face. I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity.
購入後一発目の初張りで雨にがっつり降られてしまい、一つ前のテントを加水分解でダメにしてしまった経験があったので、しっかり乾燥させて長く使用したいと思い今回利用させて頂きました。 結果大変満足しておりま...続きを読む。 また二週間後のキャンプまでには欲しいと長短納期の以来にも関わらず対応していただき本当にありがとうございました。 次はオフシーズンにエコノミーコース、デラックスコースで利用させて頂きたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) I got caught in the rain the first time I pitched it after purchasing it, and I had the experience of ruining my previous tent due to hydrolysis, so I decided to use it this time because I wanted to keep it dry and use it for a long time. I received it. I am very satisfied with the results. I would also like to thank you very much for responding to the request despite the long and short delivery times, as I wanted it by the camp in two weeks. Next time, I would like to use the economy course and deluxe course during the off-season.
コットンテントのクリーニングを依頼させていただきましたが、とにかく対応が一つ一つとても丁寧でした。 逐一丁寧なご連絡を頂き、初めてでしたが安心してお任せできました。 ありがとうございました。 (Tr...続きを読むnslated by Google) I asked them to clean my cotton tent, and they were very attentive to each and every one of them. I received detailed and thorough communication, and even though it was my first time, I was able to leave the job at ease. thank you very much.
リピートしたいと思っています。 とても丁寧で正直なプロ性を感じました。 想像以上のお手入れをしてくれるので。冬使用のウエアも検討中です! 使ってると愛着上お手入れをしたくなり、でも、近所に揮発剤飛ぶ...続きを読むも気が引けて、とても助かりました。 ただ、送料が着払いなので。忘れてて、支払時に慌てました! なんとか、先払いできる手立てあればいいんですが。。あくまでも、希望です(汗) (Translated by Google) I would like to repeat it. I found him to be very polite and honest and professional. It will take care of you better than you can imagine. We are also considering winter wear! As I used it, I became attached to it and wanted to clean it, but I was also concerned about splashing volatile chemicals into the neighborhood, so this was a great help. However, the shipping fee will be paid on delivery. I forgot about it and panicked when it came time to pay! I wish there was some way to pay in advance. . It's just a hope (sweat)
とても丁寧です。しかし消臭はいまいちでした。でも満足なのでまた利用します。 (Translated by Google) Very polite. However, the deodorizatio...続きを読む was not good enough. However, I am satisfied and will use it again.